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From Sleeping Dragons (Board Game)
Sleeping Dragons (Board Game)
Current Version: Alpha 4.1
How to Play
The object of the game is to destroy your opponent's forces. The game is won when all of your opponent's pieces have been captured, or when they admit defeat and resign. The game is a Draw if agreed by both players, if 50 moves go by with no pieces dying, or if the same position is repeated on the board 5 times.
Turns and Turn Phases
Each Turn consists of 3 main phases in this order: Magic Phase, Movement Phase, and End Phase.
Magic Phase
At the start of your Magic Phase you will gain 2 Mana if you have a Sleeping Dragon on the board, 3 if you have an Awakened Dragon on the board, and 1 Mana if you have an Effigy on board.
After this if you have enough Mana, you may choose to cast one of your piece's spells. While any type of spell may be cast during your Magic Phase, only Instant type spells may be cast during other phases.
After this your Movement Phase begins.
Movement Phase
During your Movement Phase you must move one of your pieces. If the movement is a piece capture, during your End Phase you will gain 2 Mana (1 for Pawns / Tokins, and 6 for an Awakened Dragon). After movement is complete the turn moves to your End Phase.
End Phase
During your End Phase, the effects of spells may either resolve, or have their duration counted down until it resolves on a later End Phase. Most End Phases will have nothing happen.
Mana is used for two things: awakening your Dragon, and casting spells.
It is generated by Sleeping Dragons (2MPT), Awakened Dragons (3MPT), Effigy piece (1MPT).
It is awarded in different amounts by capturing pieces.
Capturing an Awakened Dragon awards you 6 Mana.
Capturing a Sleeping Dragon or Piece awards you 2 Mana.
Capturing a Pawn or Tokin awards you 1 Mana.
Killing any piece with a spell or spell's effect does not award you any Mana.
Casting Spells
Instant type spells may be cast anytime you have the Mana, either in response to an action made by you or your opponent, or at the end of any turn phase.
Any other type of spell is "sorcery speed" and may only be cast during your own Magic Phase.
Magic Targeting works in one of two ways.
For the base cost of the spell, I.E. 3 Mana, the piece casting the spell may target any square it could already move to in a straight line (no jumping or alternating motion targeting). However many spells have costs like this: 3 (+1) - this means for 3 it can target any square it could already move to, and for each +1 additional Mana you pay it may target +1 square farther in the same direction of its movement. If it were 3 (+2) it would be +2 additional Mana for every 1 square farther you want to target. This does not allow the spell to target more than one square, it only extends the range at which it can target. There is no limit on how many times you can pay to extend the range when casting as long as you have the Mana to do it.
Piece Movement
Play now!
(Engine in development, Magic does not work yet, pieces do not have spells. You can currently (Alpha 4.1) play a colorless version of the game only)
Official Game Formats:
Colorless Duel
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-4 Colorless Pieces, and 5 Pawns or Tokins
Standard Duel
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-2 different Color variants allowed per army
-2 Colored Pieces, and 2 Colorless Pieces, and 5 Pawns or Tokins
-up to 1 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-1 Effigy
Royal Duel
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-Each player begins the game with 16 Mana
-3 different Color Variants allowed per army
-Up to 2 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-4 Colored Pieces, and 5 Pawns or Tokins
-No Dragons or Effigies allowed
Colorless Standard
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-7 Colorless Pieces, and 10 Pawns or Tokins
-Up to 3 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-1 Colorless Dragon
Colorless Standard
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-2 different Color Variants allowed per army
-Up to 3 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-7 Pieces, and 10 Pawns or Tokins
-1 Dragon (must match color identity with one of your pieces, or be colorless)
Royal Standard
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-Up to 3 different Color Variants allowed per army
-Up to 4 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-8 Pieces, and 10 Pawns or Tokins
-1 Dragon (must match color identity with one of your pieces, or be colorless)
Double Dragons Standard
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-Up to 2 different Color variants allowed per army
-Up to 3 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-7 Pieces, and 10 Pawns or Tokin
-2 Dragons (Each must match color identity with one of your pieces, or be colorless)
Double Effigy Standard
-No more than 2 copies of the same Piece type allowed per army
-Up to 2 different Color Variants allowed per army
-Up to 2 Specialty Type Pieces allowed per army
-7 Pieces, and 10 Pawns or Tokins
-2 Effigies
Pieces, and how they move:
Pawns and Tokins

Normal Pieces
(Release Version a4.1)






Specialty Pieces
(Release Version a4.1)


(Release Version a4.1)
Colorless Dragon
Ice Dragon
Fire Dragon
Hydra Dragon
Effigy of a Dragon
Color Variants
(Release Version a4.1)
Blue Variants
Red Variants
Yellow Variants
Colorless Variants
All Spells
(Release Version A4.1)